jokes about gambling

jokes about gambling

Jokes About Gambling: A Risky BusinessGambling is a risky business, but its also a great source of humor. Here are some jokes that will make you laugh, even if youre not a gambler:Why dont they play poker in the jungle? Because there are too many cheetahs!What do you call a fish with no eyes?Fsh! What do you call a gambler with no money?A fish!Whats the difference between a gambler and a hooker?A hooker can at least make a living off her customers!A man walks into a casino and sees a sign that says Free Drinks for Winners.He asks the bartender, So if I win, I get a free drink?The bartender replies, Yes sir, but if you lose, you have to buy the drinks for everyone here!Why did the gambler bring a ladder to the casino?He wanted to get higher stakes!Whats the best way to double your money?Fold it in half!Two gamblers are sitting at a poker table.One says, Im going to bet my house on this hand.The other replies, Ill raise you my car!The first gambler says, Alright, but if I win, you have to take my house and Ill take your car. The second gambler says, Deal!They flip their cards over. The first gambler has a full house.The second gambler says, Darn it! I lost my car!The first gambler replies, No problem, you can walk home. I lost my house!These are just a few examples of the many jokes about gambling out there. So next time youre at the casino, or just feeling lucky, remember these jokes and have a laugh. Just dont bet the farm on them!

trading is a business or gambling